3 Things to Consider When Planning a Modern Wine Cellar Project
Wednesday, 27 May 2020
Imagine a dark, cool, underground cellar dug into a hillside in Burgundy. Now try to recreate this in your own abode. Since we don’t all have subterranean caves in Europe, we have to plan accordingly. And probably add a glass wall and a wine cellar display. Because that’s super cool if you do it right.
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What you need to know about mounting your wine racks to drywall, wood, tile, and stone
Wednesday, 19 December 2018
Hanging things such as art, shelves, and more on walls is old hat for most construction professionals and DIYers. Yet, judging by our most frequently asked questions, the idea of hanging wine racks on a wall is a foreign concept. It probably has something to do with general unease of revolving around a precious bottle
Selecting the Ideal Wine Cellar: Climate-Controlled vs. Passive Options
Tuesday, 22 March 2016
Perhaps the most important decision in planning wine storage is deciding if you should invest in a climate controlled display or rely on mother nature (room temperature) to do the trick. We call it Cooled or passive wine cellar. The simple answer being it’s never a bad idea to store wine in a cool, dark
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